El Espinacito Mountain (4.500 masl)


Follow the authentic route of liberator General José de San Martin, leading to the historic Battle of Chacabuco, which secured chile`s independence.

"Joy inspires new enthusiasm in our troops, and I hope to overcome all the difficulties that the Cordille-ra presents, at the foot of which I have made camp to unsaddle the mules that I am sending to the second vanguard division. I will march as Your Excellency orders, and everything is done with the greatest pleasure, even if the hardships are greater."

This fragment is from a message sent by Brigadier General O'Higgins from El Espinacito mountain to General Don José de San Martín.

What makes this experience so memorable?

Meeting Point in Barreal: Welcome riders to the charming town of Barreal (1.700 masl - San Juan Province) with a warm reception! Check-in to a cozy mountain hostel, get your gear ready, and join us for a briefing on the adventure ahead. Enjoy a delicious welcome dinner and get ready for an unforgettable experience!


• Day 1:

Start the day with a delicious breakfast, then bid farewell to the cozy mountain hostel. Board 4x4 trucks for a thrilling transfer to Las Hornillas (2.40 masl), where the real adventure begins! Meet your trusty horse and the experienced muleteers who will guide you through this epic journey. Saddle up for a 5-hour horseback ride to Hornitos del Medio (3.000 masl), following the historic route of the Army of the Andes. Set up camp and enjoy a hearty dinner, resting your legs and refueling for the adventures ahead. .


Today, we'll traverse the breathtaking Las Hornillas landscape, where the brave soldiers of the Army of the Andes crossed the Los Patos River in 1817. We'll also explore the imposing Los Manantiales ravine, where the army's divisions reunited to rest and replenish supplies, surrounded by lush pastures, fresh water, and abundant firewood. Get ready for an unforgettable experience! resources for the sustenance of both soldiers and mounts.


• Day 2:

Start the day with a nourishing breakfast, then mount up and begin the thrilling ride! Ascend the slope, feeling the excitement build as you reach the highest point of the march: the majestic summit of El Espi-nacito (4.500 masl). Take in the escenicviews and pay tribute to the brave soldiers of the Liberating Army, who crossed this very same path in 1817. See the commemorative plaques honoring the Vanguard Divi-sion, the Thick Division, and the Rear Guard, led by General San Martín and Brigadiers Soler and O'Hig-gins.




• Day 3:
Fuel up with a delicious breakfast, then saddle up for another exciting day! Ascend to the challenging Cuesta de La Honda (4.300 masl), feeling the thrill of the climb. Then, descend along the scenic banks of the Las Leñas River, taking in the views. Finally, arrive at the charming Los Hornitos del Medio (3.000 masl) and set up camp. Enjoy dinner and well-deserved rest after a fantastic 6-hour horseback ride. Get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty of the Andes!


• Day 4:

Start the day with breakfast, then mount up for the final ride! Arrive at the picturesque Las Hornillas, where a delicious lunch awaits. Afterward, transfer back to Barreal, where a warm welcome and comfort-able accommodations at the mountain hostel await. Celebrate an unforgettable adventure with a farewell dinner, reliving the highlights of your journey. Today's 5-hour horseback ride brings a satisfying conclu-sion to your Andean odyssey! .


Dates Season 2024/2025

- From 19th to 22nd of December 2024
- From 26th to 29th of January 2025

Custom Dates: Contact us to arrange a custom trip that fits your schedule!


• Types: Horseback Riding
• Duration: 4 days and 3 nights
• Minimum group size: 4.
• Recommended age range: 13 years.
Edad máxima recomendada: 65 years.
• Difficulty level: Medium, with occasional challenging passages.
• Price per person: Click here to ask


Expert Guide: Trained in first aid and dedicated to your well-being
• Muleteers: Experienced handlers to ensure the safe transport of your gear
• Cuisine: Whipping up delicious Creole cuisine (with vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options available)
• Horseback Riding and Mules: Trusty steeds to carry you through the stunning Andean landscape
• Cargo Mules: Reliable companions to transport your gear
Saddlebags and Equipment Bags: Convenient and secure storage for your personal effects

• 2 Nights in Barreal: Cozy Mountain Hostel stays in the charming town of Barreal
• 3 Nights in the Andes: Camping under the stars with top-notch equipment:
- Tents, sleeping bags, and insulating mats for a comfortable night's sleep

Additional Amenities:

Tableware: All the necessary utensils and plates for meals on the go
Satellite Communication: Emergency-only satellite phone for your safety
 Support Van: A reliable vehicle for transporting gear and providing support
 First Aid Kit: A comprehensive kit with essentials for any medical needs


Important Notes: Services Not Included

Transfers: From your town of origin to Barreal (we can assist with booking)
Personal Equipment: Gear up with your own adventure essentials
Air Evacuation & Travel Insurance: Ensure you're covered for adventure tourism activities and personal accidents
Trip Cancellation Insurance: Consider protecting yourself against program abandonment fees

Additional Costs:
Other Services: Any services not included in the program will incur additional fees

Tips: Show your appreciation for our guides and staff with a gratuity (optional)

Remember to plan ahead and prepare accordingly to ensure a smooth and enjoyable adventure!